Butler Plaza
Construction Cost: $14,400,00
Owner: Liberty Property Trust
Location: Jacksonville, Florida
Completion Date: 2008
Square Feet: 82,000 each
Fast-track design-build service for three, Class-A, four-story office buildings
Optimum floor plan efficiency
Master plan of three defined parcels
Phase I, II & lll completed
Phase III of the project is registered for LEED Silver certification, it is at the forefront of LEED certified buildings in Jacksonville. The building’s green features include waterless urinals, low-flow shower heads and sensor faucets, high energy-efficient HVAC equipment with special filters and carbon dioxide monitors, a highly reflective roof membrane, as well as low emission paints, carpet, and adhesives.
The building structures consists of steel columns supporting composite steel beams with a concrete slab on composite metal deck. The roof framing is bar joists with steel beams and metal deck. The exterior walls consists of four-story, non-load bearing concrete tilt-panels on three sides of the building and a curved glass curtain wall supported by the steel framing on the front side of the building. The building is on shallow foundations.